Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • Steven-T
    February 25th, 2004, 01:52 PM
    It's just down the road. Does anyone think they'll give me a tour (on assignment from and allow me to photograph the joint with a 1D and 1Ds...
    I think this is just the assembly plant. Is most of the parts from Taiwan?

    I can offer an even exchange of my F2AS and F5 with your 1D and 1Ds. Someone is talking.


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  • bulgarian
    11-22 06:13 AM

    I'm sorry, I still don't have a solution, but I am working on it... I will write you if I come up with something.


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  • vaib.shah1
    11-28 07:22 PM
    Do we (parent) gets any benefits in terms of Visa status if you have child born in USA and you stay in US for certain years?

    In the other word:
    Once you have child born in USA is there any way to get green card based on your child citizenship?

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  • ilikekilo
    04-12 01:53 PM
    I had started my anual subscribtion this Friday (4/10/09). How long does it take to be admitted into the donors forum? I have sent the email with details that same day itself. I have not yet recieved a reciept or any RFEs. Hope there is no backlog:D:D:D

    I think it takes a few days to confirm the sub....thnks


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  • sunny1000
    03-17 12:46 AM
    If I were going to spend over a year in a country which required a visa to visit (such as Nigeria), in order to study the local culture, which kind of visa would I need to obtain before hand? Business, work, study, visitor, etc?

    you should contact their Embassy/Consulate for details.

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  • palnati
    07-12 09:24 AM


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  • EndlessWait
    05-21 02:34 PM
    or go to mexico and enter back illegally if you want to get it sooner :D

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  • Blog Feeds
    07-09 03:00 PM
    Earlier today, I mentioned this provision which would bar DHS from using funds to delay or rescind the no-match rule. The amendment passed by a voice vote, but in consulting with a knowledgeable source, it seems likely that the amendment will not have much affect. That's because it bars DHS from using funds from its 2010 budget for this purpose. As long as DHS rescinds the rule before September 30th (which now seems likely given yesterday's DHS announcement), no 2010 funds would be needed to achieve this result. So I would not count on the no-match letter being resurrected any...

    More... (


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  • madooripraveen
    10-19 12:14 AM
    I am planning to port my existing priority date from EB3 to EB2. I just wanted to understand the risk I am taking. Could you people do let me know the impact on my exsting PD(EB3 with approved 140) and future 485.
    If in case my EB2-140 with PD porting doesnot go through...

    I appreciate your thoughtful comments

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  • Blog Feeds
    07-04 12:40 AM
    A new poll from Benenson Strategy Group (commissioned by America's Voice), has a surprising finding - the vast majority of self-identified GOP voters support immigration reform. The poll found the following: When asked whether they support Congress passing �comprehensive immigration reform,� without hearing details about what the plan includes, 63% of Republicans said yes and 22% said no. When given the details behind reform, and asked whether they support Congress passing a law that would: �Secure the border, crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, and require illegal immigrants to register for legal immigration status, pay back taxes, and...

    More... (


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  • njdude26
    08-12 12:19 PM
    c'mon guys is this soooooo difficult to answer ? experts ??

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  • vik_tx
    11-29 04:44 PM
    Congratulations!!! can u share your PD, category and RD?

    pd - 4/2003
    rd - 6/2007


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  • siddar
    12-09 01:19 PM
    Are you really sure that your H1B is still valid? My understanding is, only one type of Visa will be issued to a country for an individual, they cancel previously valid visas.

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  • psnycgirl
    10-16 11:02 AM
    Hello all, my apologies if you find my question naiive. We got our fingerprinting appt. notice in the mail yesterday with an EAC application no. When I look that number online it says case has been transferred to Texas and notice of transfer sent. Fine. I am not anxious or anything just wondering if a receipt will be generated now at Texas or would one have been generated at Nebraska and sent to the lawyer? The reason I as is I have been holding back travel plans and wanted to start looking at flights etc. if I know the receipt is either on its way or at the lawyer's already.
    BTW the application was sent to Nebraska on July 30 and I140 had already been approved from Nebraska earlier this year.


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  • team trim
    05-25 09:14 PM

    I just received my initial EAD and it is only valid for 1 year. My priority date is October 2006. Shouldn�t I have received an EAD valid for 2 years?

    Thank you.

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  • scorpionk
    07-09 02:04 PM

    I am on my 7th year H1B, valid until next year.
    My labor was approved Oct,2007 under EB3 (all education from India).
    I-140 was applied in May, 2008 and it has been a frustrating 2+ yrs since I have heard anything. Attorney inquired with the USCIS and got a response that it is still under review.

    This delay seems to be very unusual. Do you think this delay is due to my education from India only. I have seen folks with Master's degree from US gettting I-140 in 2 - 6 months max. I am worried that this may turn into a denial.

    Anyone has similar experiences with education only from India.? Any advice if I should go for I-140 premium processing or wait ?


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  • gcseeker2002
    04-15 02:15 AM
    My friends wife applied for h1b and left for India on march 30th, while on H4, they got their h4 stamped april 5th, and still dont know about status of h1b application. The i94 number mentioned in the I129 is the old I94 which was surrendered at port of exit. When they reenter sometime in may, she will get new I94 , which will of course, be valid exactly as the I94 mentioned on I129.

    1. Will there be any other problem in port of entry , as she will be entering on H4 stamping.
    2. Will the h1b application get rejected or queried.

    please answer these two questions.

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  • bskrishna
    12-04 11:30 AM
    I have appeared for interviews in toronto. They have not looked at my pay stubs in detail. The most they would go is to check if you are still employed with the same firm. Again, this said each case is different. Stuff like Employer reputation, qualification etc., surely helps.

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  • kirupa
    03-20 08:17 PM

    04-16 03:37 PM
    If the hospital (healthcare organization) is a non-profit body then they will not be subjected to the quota (I think). Maybe other members can validate this.

    They are not subject to cap if they are non profit.

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