Saturday, July 2, 2011

Quotes About Emotions

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  • what_now
    06-05 10:47 AM

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  • KarachiWala
    12-12 07:26 PM
    go ahead Brainiacs..

    Correct me I am wrong here:

    AP allows you to enter US without a valid visa.
    EAD allows you to work in US for any employer.

    Untill and unless someone utlizes his EAD, he is still on H1 (if he has valid H1) doesn't matter he enters US using AP. Am I correct?

    Then question arrises, If H1 holder changes his job then he needs to transfer his H1 only and not use EAD. Is this possible to have H1 renewed and transfered even though one has EAD approved, meaning is it compulsory to use EAD one you get it?


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  • aroranuj
    07-16 11:37 AM
    I was wondering if there is a way to efile for renewal of EAD & AP or do we really need a lawyer. It is turning out to be too expensive to file for a renewal through my comany lawyer. If it is possible, can someone who has already self filed advise of the procedure?


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  • vijay1974
    03-10 08:48 AM
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  • ashutosa
    08-01 12:12 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would really appreciate if you can help on the question below.

    1) My wife changed her last name after our wedding.
    2) She got it updated on new passport, I-20 and SSN.

    Now, we are planning to travel to India. She has her old as well as new passport .. and the F1 visa and I-94 is still at the old passport.

    My question is: Does she need to get her F1 stamped again in order to get the updated name on her new passport?

    I would greatly appreciate your fast response.


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  • Blog Feeds
    04-30 01:50 AM
    USCIS statistics reveal that only 1,000 H-1B "cap-subject" petitions were submitted each week during the second, third and fourth weeks of April. See At this rate, there will be H-1Bs available until sometime in September. However, I do not believe that this will be the case. Why not? Because, there are hundreds of thousands of F-1 students in the U.S. Many of these students will graduate from U.S. universities this June, and seek to work in the U.S. Regarding employment in the U.S., these students should consider the following: 1. They may apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT). This...

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  • altatension
    03-15 02:57 PM
    No I am not kidding. Long story short. Amnesty was a disaster and I was unable to qualify.
    For many years didn't really pursue legal status but anywho, what do you think about my actual problem?

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  • ssksubash
    02-21 09:39 AM
    Thank you for the info.


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  • Blog Feeds
    10-30 12:20 AM
    Hardly a surprise. But just as the tea parties of last summer have not stopped health care reform favored by the majority of Americans, these protests are not going to stop the momentum in favor of immigration reform.

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  • Macaca
    06-22 06:55 AM
    Senate Passes Energy Bill ( Democrats Prevail; Mileage Standard Would Be Raised By Sholnn Freeman ( Washington Post Staff Writer, Friday, June 22, 2007

    The Senate passed a sweeping energy legislation package last night that would mandate the first substantial change in the nation's vehicle fuel-efficiency law since 1975 despite opposition from auto companies and their Senate supporters.

    After three days of intense debate and complex maneuvering, Democratic leaders won passage of the bill shortly before midnight by a 65 to 27 vote.

    The package, which still must pass the House, would also require that the use of biofuels climb to 36 billion gallons by 2022, would set penalties for gasoline price-gouging and would give the government new powers to investigate oil companies' pricing. It would provide federal grants and loan guarantees to promote research into fuel-efficient vehicles and would support test projects to capture carbon dioxide from coal-burning power plants to be stored underground.

    Democratic leaders said they hoped the legislation will be a rallying point for voters concerned about national security, climate change and near-record gasoline prices.

    "This bill starts America on a path toward reducing our reliance on oil by increasing the nation's use of renewable fuels and for the first time in decades significantly improving the fuel efficiency of cars and trucks," said Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), the majority leader.

    Final passage of the bill capped an otherwise rancorous week in which senators grappled over energy policy. Early yesterday, Democrats accused Republicans of obstruction after a $32 billion package of energy tax cuts was blocked on a procedural vote. But late in the day, a bipartisan group of senators came together to break an impasse on vehicle fuel-efficiency standards that would require cars, trucks and sport-utility vehicle to achieve 35 miles per gallon by 2020.

    Earlier in the week, the Senate rejected additions to the bill that would have pumped billions of federal dollars into efforts to ramp up production of a coal-based fuel for cars and trucks, which proponents had called an important alternative to petroleum. Additionally, Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.) failed to win approval for a proposal to allow exploration for natural gas off the Virginia coast, and Republicans blocked an effort to require that more of the nation's electricity come for renewable sources.

    The passage of fuel-efficiency measure was viewed as a major triumph for the Democrats, particularly the last-minute dealmaking that enabled passage of the comprehensive change to mileage standards.

    The politics of fuel economy had gone virtually unchanged since Congress passed the first nationwide standards -- known as corporate average fuel economy, or CAFE -- in 1975. The last time the full Senate tried to boost fuel-economy standards was in 2002, and the effort was defeated handily.

    The auto industry successfully argued that large increases in efficiency standards would force them to build smaller vehicles -- the kind American consumers won't buy. In recent years, however, low mileage standards left U.S. automakers with little market defense against higher-mileage Japanese cars, particularly at times when gas prices soar. As consumers have moved gradually from SUVs and pickup trucks to smaller vehicles, Detroit's Big Three automakers have gone through a painful restructuring period.

    The United States, with current efficiency standards of 27.5 miles per gallon for cars and 22.2 per gallon for SUVs and small trucks, has lagged behind the rest of the developed world. In the European Union, automakers have agreed to voluntary increases in fuel-economy standards that next year will lift the average to 44.2 miles per gallon, according to the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. In Japan, average vehicle fuel economy tops 45 miles per gallon. China's level is in the mid-30s and projected to rise, propelled by government policy.

    The fuel-efficiency language in the Senate energy package originally had coupled a 35 mile-per-gallon standard with a requirement of 4 percent annual increases for the decade after 2020. A group led by the two Michigan senators -- Democrats Carl M. Levin and Debbie Stabenow -- and Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.) had sought instead to gain support for an amendment that would impose less-stringent standards while satisfying growing demands for change in the fuel-efficiency laws.

    In the compromise-- shepherded principally by Sens. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) -- lawmakers dropped a provision that would have mandated additional 4 percent annual increases in fuel efficiency between 2021 and 2030. They also softened a provision that would have required all automakers to build substantially more vehicles that can run on ethanol and other biofuels.

    After the fuel-economy vote, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.), another architect of the compromise, said the nation's desire to be less dependent on foreign oil would be a "hopeless journey" without more efficient cars and trucks.

    "Now, in our vehicles, we have better cup-holders, we have keyless entry, we have better music systems, we have heated seats," Dorgan said. "It is time that we expect more automobile efficiency."

    Senators who had previously been friendly to the auto industry said they were changing their position after growing weary of the industry's position. "I listened and I listened, year after year," Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) said on the Senate floor. "And now, after 20 years, I firmly do believe it is time for a change."

    In the end, Senate aides said, Levin's group did not have the votes.

    Democratic leaders said the bipartisan backing of the compromise worked out in the Senate would help build support in the House when that chamber House begins debate on its energy package. Already, Rep. John D. Dingell, (D-Mich.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have battled over fuel economy.

    In another Senate battle yesterday, Democrats lost a fight against oil companies when Republicans blocked a $32 billion tax package that would have poured money into alternative fuel projects by raising taxes on oil and gas companies.

    President Bush, meanwhile, visited the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Athens, Ala., where he touted nuclear power as a clean, dependable and safe source of electricity and promised to streamline the federal regulatory process to ease the way for the construction of new plants.

    "Nuclear energy produces no greenhouse gases," Bush said. "If you're interested in cleaning up the air you ought to be for nuclear power."

    Staff writer Michael A. Fletcher in Athens, Ala., contributed to this report.


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  • sagittarian
    03-27 06:27 PM
    Well this is a peculiar case:

    My OPT started may 15 06. I started working for my present employer from July 06 and we missed out on last years qouta and I was sure that they will apply for this years. Today my manager calls me up and says that we CANT. Now I am in a soup. May 15 -- Oct 1 break and on top of that I need to find a consultant who can sponsor me visa at this time. These are my questions:

    1. I can get my general qouta H1 done by a consultant. So if I goto India, will there be any problems while stamping ??

    2. Whats wise?? staying here, getting a new I-20 or going back to India ?? Because 4.5 months is a long time and I dont think I can afford the expenses here.

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  • amitr2k
    09-19 03:42 AM
    Hi, i would like to know the fees to get the L1-B transferred to L1-A.



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  • Blog Feeds
    09-05 10:00 PM
    After many months of calling on the Federal Government to more vigorously enforce our immigration laws, it turns out that some of the biggest immigration law violators are officials in the State of Arizona. And as soon as the Justice Department charged them with breaking the law, they seemed to lose their zeal for strong enforcement. Let me explain. Back in 1986, President Reagan signed the Immigration Control and Reform Act (IRCA). The law established the I-9 system so that employers would not knowingly hire undocumented workers. At the same time, in order to insure that workers with accents or...

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  • riteshtijoriwala
    11-30 12:49 PM
    I have the a situation where I need some advice:

    I got my first job in june 2005 and was on my OPT until dec 2005. My H1-B was filed by this company and it started from Jan 1, 2006. Now I left the company in Sept 8 2006 and joined a consulting (vendor) firm. I am a contractor at Microsoft through this firm. This firm filed my H1-B on Sept 9, 2006. Now, 2 weeks back, when I checked the status of my case, I saw USCIS sent an RFE requesting more documents from my firm regarding the contract and type of job description. They gave a deadline until feb 2007 to submit docs.
    My first initial contract length at Microsoft through this firm is until April 2007, but is more likely to extend for another 6 months.

    Now my question is, since I cannot be sure if the contract will extend, I am starting to look for jobs...If I get a job, will it be alright to accept it and have that new company file my H1-B even though my current H1-B from my current firm is still in process and not approved yet?


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  • deepakd
    02-06 12:44 PM
    Just want to know my options here and here is my scenario:

    I am on H1-B and my 6 years of H1B is going to complete on March so I have almost 1 more year to complete my 6 years of h1-B
    Right now, I have my LC and I-140 approved from my present employer.
    Now, I am thinking about moving onto a new job where the new employer is ready to start my GC immediately I take the new job.
    My question is:
    If I take the new job, would I get my new H-1B for 3 years since my I-140 with old employer/current employer is already approved ?
    I don't have the copy of my I-140 but I think I can get it.

    Also, if I start the transfer to new employer, would I get 3 year H1B or just remaining 1 year out of 6 years ?



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  • willigetgc?
    11-12 10:50 AM
    I am travelling to Penang on the 14th September, and I wonder how long it will take the consulate to process this visa application. Also, if I take the papers on a Friday morning, are they open for me to collect the visa on a Saturday ?

    It depends on which consulate you are talking about!

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  • psaxena
    05-07 12:31 PM
    Please help me with the procedure on how to get the copy of LCA.

    I have never done and just switched the job and need to file AC21


    03-30 12:16 PM

    07-19 11:33 AM
    Already answered where you posted it elsewhere on this board

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